1) Hydrogen generation using solid hydride (G2 Demonstration) - 2018
A clean, renewable, sustainable energy program that is near zero carbon with a full recycling loop. The proposition is to generate hydrogen on-demand with a solid chemical hydride(s). Transportation and storage of hydrogen without compression (compressed tank) for the implementation of hydrogen project.(s) any size, anywhere.
2) Re-Inventing H2 Logistics Unleashing the Full Potential of Renewable Energy - Keen Yee | GalaxyFCT - 2020
Hydrogen Meeting Report, USG
E- Meeting on Hydrogen Energy Future: Opportunities & Challenges, September 07, 2020
Keen Yee
Galaxy FCT, Malaysia
3) An Introduction of Galaxy FCT - Delivering "H2 in SOLID" - 2021
VivaTechnology, 16th - 19th June 2021
Startup Exhibitor - Galaxy FCT (Associated with Dassault Systemes)