Galaxy FCT - Solid H2 Logistics

Solid H2 Applications 

There are Viable Applications at Every Price Point 

Because of the enhanced safety, efficient logistics and ease of storage with Solid H2, there will be applications for which it will be viable even if prices of NaBh4 have not fallen to targeted levels yet. As mentioned earlier, this would be a function of scale and a function of time. 

Applications Every Price.jpg  

Logically, we should begin with the applications which are mission critical and consume small quantities of H2 when NaBH4 prices are still high and progress down the list as increased production volume starts to bring prices down. The list on the slide is self explanatory. ​

Here is our ultimate vision: We would like to reach volumes and prices where it becomes pragmatic to use NaBH4 powered fuel cell generators to supplement batteries in smart grids to iron out the intermittent nature of renewable energy in a 100% RE grid of the future. NaBH4 will also be an excellent long term storage of green energy for strategic national energy reserve due to low cost storage and efficient logistics. The ability of NaBh4 as a “green molecule” to decarbonize mobility applications e.g. ships, trucks, trains and aviation will be another major milestone for Solid H2 logistics. 

We are seeking R&D partners and collaborators for a whole range of applications