About Galaxy FCT
GALAXY FCT is a Hydrogen Technology company which has made a recent breakthrough in the ability to release H2 gas RAPIDLY and EFFICIENTLY from solid H2 feedstock (NaBH4). This, together with the convergence of several key technological developments has made it possible to change the way we think about H2 logistics. For the first time in many years, we have to option of not fighting the physics of H2 (using conventional H2 logistics) and migrate towards a fundamentally superior ecosystem which is centered around Solid H2 Logistics.
Solid H2 Logistics is not just an idea whose time has come. It's a potent climate solution which the world needs to unleash the full potential of renewable energy TODAY to effectively decarbonize the planet (substitute fossil fuels) within the time that we still have. Our remaining carbon budget in 2020 stands at 440 GTCO2e, and we are emitting around 50 GTCO2e every year. Time is running out quick and resources are limited. Solid H2 works within an INFRASTRUCTURE LIGHT logistic ecosystem can be adopted/implemented at scale immediately and scaled across the entire planet rapidly - unlike most other solutions which tend to require massively expensive infrastructure for logistics, hence probably viable only in several densely populated corridors which are rich enough to afford the same. The Climate Crisis is a global problem and a local solution will not fix it. Given the current constraints and the reality of the situation, heavy reliance on an infrastructure-intensive solution is likely to deliver "TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE".
We are seeking to collaborate with prospective stakeholders and/or partners who can work together to accelerate the emergence of the Solid H2 Logistics Ecosystem which can unleash the full potential of renewable energy to effectively decarbonize our planet in the shortest possible time.
We are part of the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab!

GFCT has been officially adopted into the DASSAULT SYSTEMES 3DEXPERIENCE Lab Accelerator Program. We are excited to be supported by Dassault Systemes 3DEXPERIENCE LAB into developing a clean, renewable, sustainable energy program that is near zero carbon with a full recycling loop.
Throughout the programme, we have access to 3DEXPERIENCE® platform technical expertise and mentoring to optimize and validate our product and processes. We are able to transform and accelerate our startup through a system of operations with 3D applications to design, simulate, and manufacture our solution. We believe Dassault Systèmes’ worldwide ecosystem will help us to accelerate our product launches and international presence.
The Case for Solid H2 Logistics
We stand today at the edge of a climate disaster. Resources are finite, time is running out and our carbon budget is fast depleting. The past decade has witnessed incredible progress in renewable energy generation - we can generate 100 times the entire world's energy demand today with Solar and Wind alone, using today's technology (Carbon Tracker Initiative 2021). However, our ability to store and move clean energy is sadly inadequate - this explains why Solar and Wind today provides less than 10% of total global energy demand - despite its potential to deliver so much more.

Solid H2 Logistics provides solutions that can plug some obvious technical gaps which are not adequately addressed by today's climate solutions (infrastructure LIGHT and Clean Long Term Storage), and anchors an ecosystem which allows us the flexibility to bypass/mitigate some very complex and difficult bottlenecks (NIMBYs/Land Rights and Geopolitics/Populism) which stand in the way of timely project execution - especially when cross border infrastructure and interdependency is required. More importantly Solid H2 Logistics brings along an exponential dimension - it can create unprecedented scale for all associated renewables, accelerating each of their learning rates in a virtuous cycle that will unleash the full potential of renewables and fast track global decarbonization.